What is Yoga Therapy?


What is Yoga Therapy?

Here is a concise answer...

When a qualified teacher spends the time learning about the student one on one, the resulting practice will be very specific to the individual.

Yoga Therapy is done as a personal appointment although sometimes couples and families may go together in support.

One might say that Yoga Therapy is a more traditional application of Yoga as group classes were initially only for children or for those who are dedicated to a school, having practiced their whole lives and able to do the “classical” poses (not needing modification).

Each of us have lived interesting (and varied) lives and certainly not all of us have been practicing Yoga the whole time. (Or other modalities that move the whole body).

We can have misalignment and overuse issues due to our jobs, injuries and issues from playing sport or accidents, dis-ease due to stress, trapped energy and tension in the body and also unhelpful beliefs and habits that may be holding us back from a more joyous and free feeling life.

The bottom line is that group yoga classes are not for everyone all the time though Yoga IS for everyone all the time…

But sometimes it has to be the right Yoga, administered in the right way and appropriate for the individual.

Another bottom line is that Yoga should always feel good.

One of the greatest blessings I received from my 3 1/2 years of study with Yoga Therapy Australia and my teacher Dr NC. is learning all the tricks, tools and ways that Yoga can be administered. It is not a one size fits all and no one Therapy practice is ever the same. The very specifics of YOU at the time of any appointment will ensure this. With this in mind, when I design a practice for you, the goal is for your experience of the poses to feel RIGHT. The whole body receiving “opening” and energy flow without pain or discomfort. This can be achieved.

What is included in a Therapy Session?

  • Health & lifestyle consultation

  • Movement, breath, flexibility, functionality and tightness assessment

  • Fully customised yoga practice designed for your individual needs

  • Yoga pose guide to take with you and a “how to” session providing an understanding of the poses and the breath in unison to reap the awesome benefits of this ancient art

  • Catch-up sessions to observe progress and to solidify the practice. During these sessions we will reassess the practice, change (advance) the poses as the body opens and functionality increases.

What will I get from doing my Therapy Practice daily?

  • You will be bringing more energy into the body through your breath which affects the whole constitution, invigorating life force. You will learn proper Yoga breathing, using all of the respiratory structures in the right way which allows the body to to receive faster and fresher energy for healing.

  • You will be comfortably moving all (uninjured) joints in the body in all possible directions which, by working with the body as a whole, provides for faster healing and transformation of any injured areas.

  • You will learn to reprogram through physical DEEP REST. Different to sleep, this is conscious rest and aids in reprogramming the whole constitution to a calm and comfortable state and a peaceful experience of life. Bringing in a specialised relaxation practice is amazing for calming the nervous system, releasing tightness and to realign. This is especially important for injuries and recovery.

Do you feel Yoga Therapy is what you need?

Click here to learn about pricing and consultations.

With LOVE always,

Kellie x

kellie judd