My experience of Energy and how to use it


My experience of ENERGY and how to use it…

Let me invite you to view it this way...

negative = CONTRACTION = Energy moving in

positive = EXPANSION = Energy moving out

Both are nature and seen everywhere in the universe. Everything flowing, growing then receding, dying. Life is a series of expanding and contracting.

Just a couple of “human experience” examples…

  1. CONTRACTION - Depression, going inward, reclusive, disconnecting. This happens naturally and is necessary at times but can become problematic if not balanced with expansion.

  2. EXPANSION - When everything is flowing in life we are walking around with our heads held high, we feel alive, free, we feel able to communicate and seek connections with others easily. We may move our body regularly (yoga practice) and we are working on ourselves to clear blockages as they show up...this is “expansion in practice”.

Now consider this, visualise this, on a much smaller scale...atomic scale....this movement, CONTRACTION and EXPANSION.

It is also happening on this extremely subtle level.

When we work on this subtle level we can work with the energy, harness it and move it.

This is happening anyway, it's just a matter of tapping into it more. For example, if you were doing child’s pose and shift into down dog there will be a stronger experience of energy flow through the legs, like a dam wall breaking and blood flow that was restricted from the knee joint, ankle joint and hips is rushing into the space created from the leg restriction in the child's pose. As we tap in deeper to these sensations on a more subtle level we start to experience the body as very 'alive'.

Now, go back to the human examples and reflect on where you are in your life at the moment?

Next time you are aware of yourself in a moment of negativity, close your eyes and observe within. Tune in to the subtle experiences within the body. See what's going on in there and notice if your energy is contracting or expanding?

Next time you are aware in a moment of success, elation, good vibes or connection, observe this energy within you, whats going on? Does the experience feel like contraction or expansion?

It's a great opportunity, when you ARE aware of any expansion experience to see what you can do with your mind in that moment and create an even more beautiful experience...This is also what I'm calling “expansion in practice”.

I like to visualise the expansion on a cellular level, ether/space within solid, moving outwards. Go within and see/experience the expansion and visualise/feel the expansion increasing and moving out.

See the heart completely full and never ending of this energy and use the power of your mind to expand it out further. Direct it into any area of your body that you want to heal. Feel into each of the Chakras, expanding from each one, front and back, top and bottom. Expand yourself beyond your body and see if you can fill up the whole room with this experience of your energy.

With LOVE always,

Kellie x

Want to practice expanding your energy? Take a Yoga class and observe and work with this idea in Savasana (corpse pose/final pose).

kellie judd